Red Book is an ancient book, its origin and author is not known.  Astrology based on Red Book is different from other known branches of Astrology.  Very little has been done to put the theory of red book astrology among the people.  Other branches of astrology generally suggest very few remedial measures which are complicated and expensive, whereas in Red Book Remedial Measures suggested House wise for every Planet, which are unique and help a person to get rid of evil effects of Planetary position in the most easiest and effective manner.

Our deep study and research thereon has enabled us to say that the theory and system suggested in Red Book are reliable and effective.  We have tried to establish the relevance of Red Book  in this modern era.

Today  quite a number of Astrologers  have combined their astrology with Red Book.  They give predictions according to their own theories and suggests remedial measures of Red Book which is not the correct way.  Good or Bad planet suggested by the other astrological theories may differ from the  theory of Red Book Astrology because it has different system of  judging good or bad planets, so the remedial measures suggested will not give desired results or may be ineffective.  Our deep study of Red Book reveals that whatever massages written in the Red Book are not properly interpreted.  

Many astrologers have quoted that the messages given in the Red Book are written in a hay way manner and also are irrelevant, but nobody has tried to solve the mystic messages of Red Book and arrange these messages systematically.  Mystic messages given in the Red Book do have specific meanings which cannot be understood without deep study.

We are here in this web site providing consultation on the various branches i.e. Medical, Female, Carrier, Relation,  Astro-Palmistry and Vaasthu, which we have extracted  from Lal-Kitab (Red Book) Astrology and developed them further keeping in mind the original Astrological concept of Lal-Kitab (Red Book).  

These branches of Astrology already exists in different theories of Indian and Western Astrology but  we believe that these branches based on Lal-Kitab Astrology will provide a wider scope for the beginners and other interested people

General Principles

1.  The Sun as lord of the 5th, the Mercury as lord of the 3rd and 6th, the Jupiter as lord of the 9th and the Saturn as lord of the 10th are directly or indirectly in some form or the other are the Karakas of the father and his property. But the Jupiter and the Sun, Jupiter and Mercury or Jupiter and Saturn occupying any house jointly carry no relevance to the knowledge about father or father's property at all. Even Mercury and Sun, Mercury and Saturn or Sun and Saturn also sitting together behave in the same manner.
2.  If two or more inimical planets are occupying a single house, they will not behave as enemies. But it does not mean that they do not affect the influences of each other and show their own results of being in that house independently i.e. their conjunction does not affect their individual results.
3.  Friendly planets together occupying a house become extremely friendly and help each other in producing good and auspicious results.
4.  The 7th house is regarded as the Pucca Ghar (permanent house) of Mercury. If Mercury is placed in the 7th house of a horoscope, even the powerful planets like Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn occupying a Kendra, 2nd or 11th house can not affect the health of the native adversely.
5.  If a female planet is placed in any house along with Saturn and both are being aspected by any other planet, then the expecting planet will become afflicted and affect adversely the persons and relatives of such expecting planet as Karakas.
6.  In general, all planets in their Pucca Ghar, own house or exalted house give good results. A planet in inimical house or in a house of debilitation gives bad results. If a planet is not placed in his Pucca Ghar and the same is occupied by a planet inimical to such planet, then that planet will destroy the good results of the house in which he stands placed.
7.  While examining a horoscope, the 1st, 7th, 8th and 11th houses must be examined together as they are mutually interested. The planets in the ascendant is treated as a ruler and the one in the 7th acts as his minister. The planet in the 8th is the eye of that ruler, whereas the planet in the 11th house is the ruler's foot.
More planets in the 7th house than the 1st house shows that the ruler does not have required control over his minister. If the planets in the 11th house are inimical to the planets in the first house, then they will not obey the command of the ruler i.e., the results of the 11th house will be adversely affected.
The planets of the 8th house (eyes) guide the planets of the 7th house (minister) and control their actions and effects. If the planets of the 1st and 8th houses are friendly, then the planet in the 7th house can not play any mischief.
Mars in the 7th is considered to be highly conducive for gaining large property. But if Mercury is in the Lagna, it will destroy the properties. It will be destroyed because of the foolishness of the native, because here the Mercury being in the first house is Karaka of the native. At the same time if the Mercury is in the 8th house, it will again destroy the properties, but here the reasons for destination will be unknown and invisible, because the active elements of the 8th house are always secretive and mysterious in nature over which the native has no control.
Similarly, if the planets of the 1st and 11th houses destination are friendly, they will control the planets of the 7th house. If they are inimical, the results would be bad.
The planets of the 1st house aspect the planets of the 7th house. If they are mutually inimical, then the bad results accrue because of the foolishness or unworthiness of the native. The planets of the 8th house aspect the planets of the 2nd house and thereby affect their results.
8. 2nd, 6th, 8th, 12th and 11th houses must also be examined simultaneously as follows :
(a) The planets of the 8th house aspect the 2nd house and thereby affect the results of the 2nd house. The effects of the aspects of the planets of the 8th house over the 2nd house are affected by the planets of the 11th house - favourably if friendly and unfavourably if inimical.
(b) The planets of the 2nd house aspect the 6th house and affects its results. The planets of the 6th and 8th houses have secret relations with each other, because of which they also affect the planets of the 2nd house (+++).
(c) The 12th house also affects the 2nd house (+++). If there are evil planets in the 6th and 8th houses, (because of their secret/implied conjunction) their evil power increases 10 times.
(d) If the planets in the 12th and 8th houses are inimical, the native should not visit temples and other places of worship.
9. The 3rd, 11th, 5th, 9th and 10th houses must also be examined simultaneously as follows :
(a) If there is any planet in the 3rd house, it will start showing effects after the birth of the native's younger brother. If the 9th and 5th houses are occupied by Saturn Rahu or Ketu then the unfavourable changes start coming up in the native's life just after the birth of the child.
(b) If there are good planets in the 9th house and there is no planet in the 2nd house, the native remains deprived of all the benefits.
(c) If there is no planet in the 4th house, or it is occupied by Rahu, Ketu or Saturn, then the good results of the 10th house will not be received by the native. If 10th and 2nd houses are empty, the good results of the 4th house will go waste.
(d) If the 3rd and 9th houses are bad, the 5th will also prove bad.
(e) If the 9th is occupied by Sun or Moon, the 5th house will give good results.
(f) If the 9th is occupied by Sun or Moon, then Rahu or Ketu in the 5th will neither affect the issues of the native or the native himself adversely.
(g) If Rahu or Ketu be placed in the 5th and there are inimical planets in the 8th then strokes of misfortune will hit the native through the 11th house. The relatives indicated by the planets of the 5th and 8th houses will also be affected. In this situation the earnings of the native will also be affected very adversely, if the 2nd house is empty. Nothing will be able to save the native. Now the planets of the 10th and 5th will also turn to be malefic whatever be their natural character.
The author of Lal Kitab has enunciated such significant principles of astrology that stand well tested today and as such they are of utmost importance in our day to day life. In view of this, an effort is being made here to describe some unfailing principles and astrological precautions for the benefit of people at large.
They are as follows:
To begin with, no temple with idols should be constructed even for individual worship in a residential house. However, keeping photos or drawings of deities on paper is not prohibited. This is highly inauspicious for the natives born with Jupiter in 7th house.
If there is a small dark room at the end of the house, where there is no passage for air or light, the same should be left as it is and no attempt should be made to facilitate natural light through opening windows etc. in that room; otherwise, misfortunes will strike the residents.
Places where ornaments or money is kept secretly must not be left empty. If there is nothing to be kept, please put some dry fruits there.
There must necessarily be some uncemented place in a house. But if it is not feasible, the articles related to Venus must be installed and established therein.
Worship of lord Ganesh is highly auspicious for children and property.
For safe delivery of children, a milk pot filled with milk and a sugar pot filled with sugar must be touched by the delivering mother and kept at some different place. After the delivery both the pots should be offered to some temple and should not be brought back from there. Good effects will multiply if the quality of the pots is good.
If one's children do not survive the native must distribute salty preparations in place of sweets, to celebrate the birth of the child.
Digging of wells or providing drinking water facilities for public is strictly prohibited for those with moon in 6th house of the birth chart. Any violation of the above would invite utter destruction and extreme poverty.
Building of dharmshalas, sarais or inns is strictly prohibited for those having Saturn in 8th house.
Saturn in Lagna and Jupiter in 5th house cause death of children one after the other, if copper coins are given in charity.
Jupiter in 10th and moon in 4th cause false allegations and critical legal proceedings against the native if he builds temples or gurudwaras.
Financial aid to widows and scholarships to poor children are strictly prohibited for those having Venus in 9th house.
Grave consequences would folllow if a native with moon in 12th house opens schools for free education, or offers food to religious saints and Jogins.
Anyone having Jupiter in 7th house must not offer clothes to anyone in charity
Donations in the morning and evening hours by persons having Sun in 7th or 8th house of their horoscope will produce highly harmful and poisonous effects.
The younger brother should never go for adoption of children of the elder brother. At the same time he should also not arrange the free marriage of the daughter of his elder brother. These practices would certainly lead to disastrous consequences.
Saturn in 11th house makes the native desert his wife and children in young age, whereas Saturn in the groom's 2nd house proves inauspicious for the bride's family.
Mercury and Rahu combining in houses 3, 8, 9, or 12 of the groom is also inauspicious for the bride's family.
Venus and Ketu together in Lagna make the native impotent.
The groom is likely to be of bad sexual habits and may destroy his wealth in that, if the planetary positions are as follows:
(a) Sun in 6th and Mars in 10th with the afflicted 12th house.
(b) Moon in Lagna and Jupiter in 11th house.
(c) Jupiter and Venus in 10th house.

The Twelve Houses of the Horoscope
There are twelve signs in the natural Zodiac and 12 houses in the horoscope. All affairs of human life are divided into 12 classes and each class of affair is in the domain of one or the other house of the chart.
1st House
Out of the 12 houses the first house or the lagna is the most important of them all. Being the first house, all the subsequent houses stand in relation to it. Every thing depends upon the strength or otherwise of
this house.
Lal Kitab states that the house is the house of struggle between Maya and Jiva or the soul and matter. In other words it is the house of struggle to get liberation from the shakles of Maya. It is the throne of the ruler. The achievements or failures of the native depend largely upon this house.
In Lal Kitab this house also stands for education, intelligence and longevity. Mars is the ruler of the house. Sun is the natural significator. In fact Sun represents the human soul and vitality in the physical body.
Planet posited in 1st house aspects the planets in 7th house and unburdens itself to some extent provided the 7th house is occupied and not vacant. If this house is vacant the planets in 1st house become inert. This is also true if the lagna is not occupied. The lagna house becomes inactive or weak. This house has a relationship with 11th house. If the latter is unoccupied the planet in lagna gives good results. If there are a two or more planet in lagna Venus becomes the judge to decide about the nature of results. In other words Venus gets importance if there are two or more planets in the lagna. Incidently, 2nd house is the Dharmasthana or the place of worship. Venus is its ruler. It is but natural that our own deeds or misdeeds come to play their part in the struggle for liberation.
2nd House
2nd house stands for the Dharmasthana or the place of worship. It also has the portfolios of wealth, education, honour and mind. This is the house that stands for the fruits of the karmas or the deeds and misdeeds of the native. Here is the seat of Jupiter the jagat Guru or the preceptor of the world at large. 9th house is considered to be the ocean of Karmas. It is from 9th house that the winds laden with water of the Karmas rise and pour it on 2nd house. For good results of 2nd house the 8th house should be vacant or unoccupied. The results are likely to be better if 2nd house is also vacant. This may appear strange but everything becomes clear if we go by the assumptions of Lal Kitab. If houses 2, 6 and 8 are all occupied, the poison of 8th house shall be transferred to 6th house through the agency of the aspect of the planets in 2nd house. If houses 2 and 8 are both vacant there is no question of compounding the troubles of 6th house.
House No. 2 gets its strength from 4th house. Wherever there is a severe onslaught of misfortunes from 9th house due to the weakness of Dharmasthana or the Jagatguru or Venus, 4th house, comes to rescue. In times of adversities we should look towards the strength of 4th house, its lord the natural significator or Karaka Moon who stands for mother as well as mortality and mind. Perhaps mother's blessings may help the native tide over his/her difficulties.
3rd House
Lal Kitab refers to 3rd house as 'the times of exit from this world and the gateway of exit'. In other words we come to know about the time of death and its causes. As illness is one of the routine ways of exit we have to judge the illness and diseases from this house. This is an inauspicious and malefic house that way.
Malefics in Dusthanas or inauspicious houses are normally considered to be a good placement. According to Lal Kitab are placements of sinners meaning Rahu and Ketu in 3rd house is horrible. It is said that even if they are not able to bring about the end itself they shall be competent to bring about death-like position. This may happen when 3rd house is occupied by Rahu or Ketu and houses 6 and/or 8 by malefics. In adversities this house gets strength from 12th house even though the planets in 12th house are enemies of the planets in the 3rd house. In a hypothetical case let us assume that Ketu occupies 3rd house and Mars is posited in 12th house. Mars is an enemy of Ketu but in emergencies Mars will always help Ketu despite his enmity. Ketu shall have no ill effects upon the native. Likewise Jupiter in the 3rd house and Mercury his enemy, in 12th house will not be able to cause any harm. On the other hand there will be all round happiness and prosperity. If the houses are occupied by two or more planets we have to assess the harm, in any, in respect of each planet and then draw our final conclusions. Rahu and Venus in 12th house normally being about the death of the partner - wife or husband - in 24/25th year of the native. If Saturn occupies the 3rd house simultaneously Rahu will not be able to play his mischief. Saturn will help Venus.
Mercury is the lord of 3rd house, Mars its natural Significator and Rahu shall have the dignity of exaltation.
4th House
4th house is the period of childhood and the prenatal period. It also covers the old age. Moon is the lord and natural significator of the house. It is a well-known assumption that Moon is strong by night. Similar is the position of planets in this house. They are strong by the night and also when there is some trouble. Jupiter gets exalted here. No planet gives bad effects to the affairs of this house if Moon does not occupy and of the house No. 1, 4, 7 or 10. Even the rank malefic like Rahu and Ketu become benefic for this house is Moon does not occupy any of the quandrangular houses. The bad effects of planets in house No. 4 are transferred to the affairs of the house occupied by Saturn.
For the pre-natal period if any if Jupiter, Sun, Mars or Mercury are in 4th house and child will be safe and healthy in mother's womb before birth and even Rahu or Ketu would not be able to spoil that.
5th House
5th house is the house of progeny and the future of the native. How shall the native fare in the world can be known from his 5th house. About the welfare of children also we have to judge the same house. So long as Jupiter is in good position there shall be peace and prosperity. This means that Jupiter should be benefic by his placement and position in the annual progressed charts. If houses 6 and/or 10 are afflicted the articles connected with the planet inimical to the planet in 5th house should be kept under ground in the house. If 8th house is also afflicted the article should be kept under ground in the ancestral house. In case 5th house is occupied by Rahu and Saturn, Venus in 11th house, Ketu in 8th and Jupiter in the 10th house there shall be illness initially to the partner and thereafter the son is likely to suffer. For this malady loaves of bread or flour of the weight of the son should be given to dogs for 25 to 48 days. If house 4 or 4 or 9 is afflicted the planet in house 5 shall give bad results. The planets in houses 6 or 10 will also give bad results without any regard whether they are friends or foes of the planet in 5th house. Rahu and Ketu will influence results according to their placement in the chart.
Sun is the lord of this house. Jupiter is the Karaka graha or the natural significator planet for the house.
6th House
6th house is known as 'the hidden world, treasure house of mercy and providential help'. 6th house is ruled by Mercury and hence the planet in 6th house is likely to afflict the results of house occupied by Mercury, Ketu or Venus. 6th house is aspected by the planets in 2nd house and the 8th house through 2nd house. In such a case
if Mercury or Rahu happen to be posited in house 6 there would be no bad effects of the malefics on the house because it is the house of exaltation for both of them. Ketu is the natural significator of the affairs of the house.
It has been said above the houses 2, 6 and 8 are mutually inter-connected with each other. While attempting and modification in any of the houses including the 6th house we have to keep in view all the three houses. If 6th house is unoccupied there shall be no transfer of the afflictions of 8th and 2nd houses. There shall also be no aspect from 6th house to 12th house. The obvious result would be that the planets in 2nd and 12th houses will get extra strength. To avail of this opportunity if houses 2 and 3 are occupied by benefics it would always be helpful to awaken house No. 6. This is possible by serving the maternal uncles (helping them) or serving the daughters of the daughter. Except Sun, Jupiter and Moon all the other planets in 6th house would be offering their own results. Mercury and Ketu will not offer good results till the age of the planet in house 6 or 8. The question of the ages of planets will be dealt with at its proper place.
Although the planets in 6th house are aspected by the planets in 2nd house, but the position would be reversed in the case of Saturn who will aspect 2nd house from 6th house.
7th House
7th house is known for the family affairs, where the native has to struggle hard for fulfilling his material wants of bread, clothing the housing etc. It has been apply described by Lal Kitab in the following words: 'The native gets ground between the earth and the sky for food. Here Akaash, Zameen, Rizque and Akal have been used metaphorically for Venus and Mercury because both these planets are the natural significators and Venus is also the lord of the house. The native sweats himself out in search of his food and clothing etc. Sun, Moon and Rahu offer the results according to the placement and position of Venus. Bad results due to the position of Venus cannot be improved or mitigated by remedies. In other words these results shall come to pass and the remedies will all go waste. Mercury, Saturn and Ketu shall give their results at various periods. If these results are bad we may try some remedial measures and they shall be set right or improved.
Normally the male planets affect the male relations and the female planets on affliction affect the female ones. In house 7 if the planets are more than two in number only the male relatives are affected. Sun, Mars and Jupiter are the male planets. Moon and Venus are females.
8th House
8th house deals with death and justice. Here justice means eye for eye and tooth for tooth. In other words the justice is on the basis of tit for tat.
It is the joint seat of Mars and Saturn. Both are the natural significators of the house if Sun, Moon and Jupiter singly or jointly occupy this house the bad effects remain limited to house No. 8 and its affairs. Saturn, Moon or Mars occupying this house singly give only good fruits. Saturn, Moon or Mars occupying this house singly give only good fruits. If, however, any two or all the three together join in this house they give bad results. Saturn will give deaths after deaths. Moon shall affect the health of the persons. Mars and Mercury occupying the house jointly give good results only if Saturn occupies the 2nd house. In such a case Mars shall be malefic or the negative Mars. House No. 8 has its influence on house 6. If any of these houses is afflicted the results will be bad for both the houses. In such cases the planets in 12th house should also be judged. The planets may be friendly or inimical the planets in 12th house shall influence the results. Moon is the most powerful planet for the affairs of 8th house. Moon by strength of his placement and position can undo the ill of 12th house also. The cause of the malefic nature of 8th house will be 4th house through 2nd house. In other words the houses 2, 4 and 8 should be judged simultaneously. The planets in house 8, if inimical to planets in 2nd house and 11th will strike at the most vulnerable point.
9th House
House No. 9 is known as 'the commencement of luck'. Lucky period of the native shall start, good or bad, when the planet in this house becomes effective. The house is considered to be a great ocean. In case the house is inert, it can be activised through 2nd house if the other two houses namely the houses 3 and 5 are unoccupied. Any of the planets who has been dormant till he transits 9th house and becomes active he will give results at his own age till his period is completed. Every planet has been assigned a particular period of age. By way of illustration, if Jupiter is in house 2 and transits the house in the progressed chart he will give results at the age of 16 and continue to do so till 16 years. Planets in 5th house aspect the planets in house 9. If Sun or Moon occupy house 9 there will be no bad effects of even Rahu and Ketu. House No. 9 is the seat of Jupiter.
10th House
10th house is treated as the ground for the foundation of luck. The planet transiting the house, according to the progressed chart, becomes a doubtful planet. This is to say that nobody can be sure about the nature of results to be given by the planet. The planet in 9 at the time of his transiting house 10 will give bad results even though the planets in house 6 & 5 are the friends. The nature of results would depend upon the nature of houses 8 and 2. The results will be bad if house 8 is afflicted and good if house 2 is in good shape. If house No. 10 is occupied by inimical planets their results shall be unpredictable An idea of the nature of results can be formed from the position and placement of Moon. If Moon is benefic good results shall be obtained. In case house 10 is unoccupied the planets in 4th house will not be able to give good results. Saturn is the natural significator of the house.
11th House
11th house indicates all about the native's status and condition. Personal income and earnings of the native and his relation with the world at large can be judged from this house. The results of Rahu and Ketu, if occupying the house, can be judged and they will be good normally if 3rd house is vacant. They will however, give bad results in 8th house.
Ketu in 11th house would nullify the good effects of Moon and if Rahu occupies the house Jupiter's good results would be spoilt. Vice versa in each case would also be true.
Lal Kitab has given great importance to this house and planets in it. Even Rahu and Ketu give good results. If Rahu is a benefic the native shall not accept a single penny from his parents and whatever he gets will be lost to him due to one reason or the other; but all that he earns by the sweat of his own brow will be with and give him pleasure.
12th House
12th house is the place of final rest according to the deeds or misdeeds of the native. House 10 reflects the physical valour etc. of the native but 12th deals with the character etc. If houses 2, 6 and 8 are occupied the native has good character. If houses 2 and 8 are occupied and there is no planet inimical to planet in 8th house the person shall command a keen intellect of very high order. If the life span is divided into 4 compartments we can judge how the native shall fare by the houses 1 to 3, 4 to 6, 7 to 9 and 10 to 12 in each part of his life respectively. Planet in No. 11, its position and placement shall give a glimpse of worldly status of the native. This can be modified by the condition of 12th house. For improvement of the position of 12th house we look to 1st house and its planets. In other words, we can improve and get better results in 12th house if we can somehow improve the position of planets in lagna. If lagna is vacant we should go to 2nd house for improvement.

Remedies Applicable to All

Sweet loaves of bread, specially baked in Tandoor, should be offered to animals every month for warding off sickness, quarrels and other troubles, caused by Mars negative in the horoscope.
Place a pot of water under the headside of the bed at night and pour it on a tree or plant in the morning.
Eat and drink from silver utensils for strengthening Moon and reducing evil effects of Rahu.
Do not look down upon elderly people and monks; do not annoy your father. This will help your Jupiter.
Take meals in the kitchen; avoid eating on a bed; dispose of articles which have not been used for decades; do not clutter your house/office with unnecessary articles. This will reduce the bad effects of Rahu, whose job it is to cause unnecessary and avoidable worries and fears.

Do not cause harm to dogs; if possible, feed them. This will improve effect of Ketu, symbolic of son and luxurious life.
From one's own meal, a chapati or a piece of it must be offered to cows, crows, monkeys and dogs for all round well being and prosperity.
Further, we all believe that going to a temple for offering prayer is always a good thing, which must be admired and encouraged. But according to Lal Kitab, the native having a malefic planet, especially Saturn in 8th house, when 2nd house is empty, must not visit temples or other places of worship. Rather he should bow his head from outside. Similarly, if planets occupying 6th, 8th and 12th houses are inimical to each other and 2nd house is not occupied by any planet, the native must avoid visiting temples and other religious places of worship


Effects of SUN in different Houses

Sun in Ist House

GOOD:-Such person will be orthodox, religious, self made person, prosperous if earn honestly and helps others, take care of his father

but does not expect same from his/her children,  He will not get

 paternal property but leave property for his children.

BAD:-He may suffer from tuberculosis  and the obstructions will emerge in every field of life whenever he is about to achieve/get something in his life.

REMEDIES:-He should install a hand pump at his parental place to neutralize the malefic effect of the sun.

(1) Marry before 24th year of life.
(2) Don't have sex with wife during the day time.
(3) Install a hand pump for water in your ancestral house.
(4) Construct small dark room in the left side at the end of your house.
(5) Either of the spouse must stop eating "gur" i.e. jaggery.

Sun in 2nd House

GOOD:-Good for maternal uncle, the in-laws of daughter will be good, prosperous if has faith in god, He will be skillful and self reliant, may be painter, technician, owns vehicles

BAD:-Sun of this house gives malefic effects to wife, mother, aunt and also bad for finance.  He may suffer from any disease relating to rectum.

REMEDIES:- He should give coconut oil and almonds at any place of worship.

(1) Donate coconut, mustard oil and almonds to religious places of worship.
(2) Manage to avoid disputes involving wealth, property and ladies.
(3) Avoid accepting donations, specially rice, silver and milk.

Sun in 3rd House

GOOD:-Such a person is handsome, beautiful,  may be astrologer, mathematician, teacher/professor, if businessman than the business  involving mental skill like software business suits him. Trading is also beneficial.  Sun do not give any malefic effects in this house unless otherwise forced to do so

BAD:-Not of sound character, bad habits, fear of thieves, very bad for maternal uncle and neighbourers.

REMEDIES:-to check bad habits and negative thinking.

(1) Obtain blessings of the mother by keeping her happy.
(2) Serve others with rice or milk.
(3) Practice good conduct and avoid evil deeds.

Sun in 4th House

GOOD:-Such a person will be of  a sound character and it doesn't matter where he born, never harms anybody.  He will have surplus money but may not nurse parents.  The business of gold, silver and traveling will be beneficial.  If such a person creates something new or do research work this will be beneficial to him.

BAD:-It will be very difficult to leave bad habits, business relating to wood may not be fruitful, problem with in-laws, ophthalmologic problem, if person is greedy than he will loose everything even house will sold out.

REMEDIES:-Distribute Food Among Blinds And Needy Or Look After His Old


(1) Distribute alms and food to the needy people.
(2) Do not take up business associated with iron and wood.
(3) Business associated with gold, silver, cloth will give very good results.

Sun in 5th House

GOOD:-In this house if health is good than the business will suffer and if business is good than the health will be poor.  In this house sun will act as a double edged sword.

BAD:-Native will rise after the birth of male child but it is difficult to have male child.

REMEDIES:-kitchen should be on the eastern side of the house.

(1) Do not delay in having a child.
(2) Build your kitchen in the eastern portion of your house.
(3) Drop a lit the quantity of mustard oil on the ground continuously for 43 days.

Sun in 6th House

GOOD:-If Native believes in destiny then pretender gives blessing and good wishes to all even to the persons who have done wrong to him.  He will be very rigid, fond of women but this will not effect his business or service.  One or two steep UP AND DOWNS in his life may be possible.  Do not change the line of business/service after the birth of male child.

BAD:-Overall health will not be good, may have high blood pressure or hypertension or grand parents will be sick or may have the sun light problem on body or on eyes.

REMEDIES:-Give Bread To Dog At The Place Of Worship.

(1) Ancestral customs and ritu also should be strictly followed; otherwise the family progress and happiness will be destroyed.
(2) Underground furnaces should not be constructed with in the premises of the house.
(3) After taking dinner blow off the fire of the kitchen stove by sprinkling milk over it.
(4) Always keep Gangajal in the premises of your house.
(5) Offer wheat or Gur to monkeys.

Sun in 7th House

GOOD:-Boastful nature, has no marital harmony up to 15years from the date of marriage.  Place of work if far off from the residence will be good.  Wife of the native will be very delicate and shy in nature.

BAD:-Native may be rude and selfish by nature Bad for father's sister right from the birth.  If consuming excess salt then money, family and peace will be badly effected.  He may suffer from Tuberculosis, Leukoderma or disease which is difficult to diagnose.

REMEDIES:-Put The Square Of Copper Under The Earth.  Should Drink Water After Putting Some Sweet In The Mouth.  Should Put A Piece Of Bread In Fire Before Eating Meal.

(1) Lessen the amount of salt intake.
(2) Start any work after taking a little sweet with water.
(3) Offer a little piece of your chapati to the fire of the kitchen before taking your meals.
(4) Serving and rearing up a black cow or a cow without horns, but make sure that the cow is not white.

Sun in 8th House

GOOD:-Sun in this house makes a native  strong that even death fears from him (if such a person sitting by the side of a person who is taking his last breaths,  will not die till he is sitting there).  Native may live like a king Saint who can make gold from the dust.

BAD:-Native will be ruined if he indulge in extra marital relations or entrance of his house is from south direction.

REMEDIES:-Don’t Do Bad Deed And Don’t Do Anything Which Is Not Favourable For Good Sun Position

(1) Never keep a white cloth in the house.
(2) Never live in the house facing south.
(3) Always eat something sweet and drink water before starting any new work.
(4) Throw copper coins in a burning pyre (Chita) whenever possible.
(5) Throw Gur (jaggery) in running water.

Sun in 9th House

GOOD:-Native may be helpful to others, he has a proficiency in his hand to cure illness.  He has a ability to sacrifice anything for his family but will not expect anything in return. 

BAD:-Sun will become unfavorable If he accepts silver in charity or if he sits idle.

REMEDIES:-If Such A Person Has Faith In Religion Or He Should Respect It.  He Should Not Accept Silver As A Gift.  He Should Keep Big Vessels Of Brass In His House.

(1) Never accept articles of silver as gifts or donation. Donate silver articles frequently.
(2) Ancestral pots and utensils of brass must be used and not sold.
(3) Avoid extreme anger and extreme softness.

Sun in 10th House

GOOD:-Native may be prominent person with good health but doubty.

BAD:-Bad effects on age, vision, father, chest, knee.  If cries before others he will have more cry in his life.

REMEDIES:-He Should Keep His Head Covered.  He Should Put Coin Or Round Piece Of Silver In The Running Riverhe Should Keep His Head Covered.  He Should Put Coin Or Round Piece Of Silver In The Running River

(1) Never wear blue or black clothes.
(2) Throwing a copper coin in a river or canal for 43 days will be highly beneficial.
(3) Abstain from liquor and meat.

Sun in 11th House

GOOD:-Native may becomes head of family himself.  If religious minded then family will be happy, if vegetarian then he will get children and good life for them

BAD:-Sun gives malefic effects on age, income, own build house, goodwill, children. If he eats meat (non-veg.) it is equal to eat his own children,  Impetuous.

REMEDIES:-Raddish, Turnip, Carrot, Almond Should Be Kept Beneath The Head Side Of The Bed In Night And Give Them In The Morning At The Place Of Worship.

(1) Abstain from meat and wine.
(2) Keep almonds or radishes near the head of the bed and offer it in the temple next day for long life and children.

Sun in 12th House

GOOD:-Native will have sound sleep.  He may have a strong character whether servant or employer.  Native will be rich, intelligent, happy family life, gain from business or good job till he keep the open corridor in his house.  Business of machines may not suit him.  Unreligious and unsocial activities will ruin him

BAD:-Sun gives malefic effects on Head, thoughts, relations, wife etc., if drunker or takes bribe or lives at in-laws place.

REMEDIES:-He Should Keep Himself Away From All Above Said Malefic Situations.

(1) Native should always have a courtyard in his house.
(2) One should be religious and truthful.
(3) Keep a Chakki in the house.
(4) Always forgive your enemies.

Effects of Moon in different Houses

Moon in 1st House

GOOD:-Native always will be beneficial from Govt.Service or from work related to Govt., if one brother had expired before the birth of native and if married before 28 years of age or in the 28th year then anyone from blood relation may die or such person may not have children.  Same situation will prevail if such a person construct a house from his own income before 24th years of his age or in the 24th year.

BAD:-Moon here gives malefic effects if native sells milk or accepts things related to moon or distributes milk free of cost.  Green color or green colored things will be harmful for health.

REMEDIES:-Native Should Drink Milk In A Utensil Made Of Silver.  He May Fix Copper Nails In All The Four Legs Of Bed.  If He Is Weak In Education He Should Regularly Take Blessings Of His Mother

(1) Do not marry between the age of 24 and 27 years, i.e., marry either before 24 years of age or after 27 years of age.
(2) Do not build a house out of your earnings between 24 and 27 years of age.
(3) Keep away from the green colour and wife's sister.
(4) Do not keep a silver pot or kettle with a snout (Toti) in it in the house.
(5) Offer water to the roots of a Banyan tree whenever you can afford.
(6) Insert copper nails on the four corners of your bed.
(7) Whenever crossing a river, always throw coins in it for the welfare of your children.
(8) Always keep a silver Thali in your house.
(9) Use Silver pots for drinking water or milk and avoid the use of glassware for the same.

Moon in 2nd House

GOOD:-Native will be well educated but may not have money till his mother is alive.  Native will earn much money but may not have a good education till his father is alive.  He may be expert in worldly knowledge and with the help of this he may earn good money and this will be the foundations of his luck but will not get education even up to 5th standard.  Native may have brothers but not  sisters, He will definitely get children even if there are very remote chances of child birth.

BAD:-Bad for eyesight, play a bell at place of worship will make native childless.

REMEDIES:-If Females Of The Family (Including Daughter) Having Any Type Of Problem Then Give/Distribute Green Color Cloth To Ten Kids For 40 To 43 Days.  Put Square Piece Of Silver Under Floor Of House.  Keep At Least Some Place Muddy.

(1) Temple within the native's house may deprive the native of male issue.
(2) The things associated with the Moon, i.e., silver, rice, non-cemented floor of the house, the mother and old women and their blessings will prove very lucky for the native.
(3) Offering green colour clothes to small girls continuously for 43 days.
(4) Place the things associated with the Moon into the foundation of your house, e.g., a square piece of silver.

Moon in 3rd House

GOOD:-Native if saint he will achieve maximum, if worldly then he will be very rich.  If he respects female, his family will keep on progressing for next three generations.  The moon of this house gives power to fight death, winner in disputes, no fear of theft, creative mind with positive thinking and attitude.

BAD:-Bad deeds may compel him to sell his own wife or daughter or property.

REMEDIES:-Distribute Silver Or Copper Made Things Equal To As Many As The Number Of Family Members.

(1) Offer in donation the things associated with the Moon, e.g., silver or rice, after the birth of a daughter and the things associated with the Sun e.g., wheat and jaggery when a son is born.
(2) Do not make use of your daughter's money and wealth.
(3) To avoid the evil effects of a malefic planet in the 8th house, serve the guests and others by offering them milk and water freely.
(4) Worshipping Goddess Durga and obtaining the blessings of small girls by touching their feet after serving them food and sweets.

Moon in 4th House

GOOD:-Native have sharp memory, more he spends more he gets, father side relatives will be well settled and helpful, paternal house will be auspicious

BAD:-Native should not refuse to give charity, do not  sell milk or milk products.

REMEDIES:-He Should Avoid Above Things.

(1) Selling of milk for profit and burning of milk for making Khoya, etc., will have a very adverse effects on income, life span and mental peace.
(2) Adultery and flirtation will be seriously detrimental to the native's reputation and prospects of wealth gains.
(3) The more the expenses, the more the income.
(4) Before beginning any auspicious or new work, place a pitcher or any container filled with milk in the house.
(5) For warding off the evil generated by the Jupiter placed in the 10th house, the native should visit places of worship along with his grandfather and offer their oblations by placing their forehead at the feet of the deity.

Moon in 5th House

GOOD:-Native will be intelligent, fearless, no one can hide secret from him and he also cannot keep his matters secret, if he is theist and religious minded his children will be obedient and successful.

BAD:-Moon of this house gives malefic effect on particularly on liquid cash and if  peevish his fortune will be badly effected.

REMEDIES:-He Should Keep Himself Away From Greed And Selfishness.  Native Should Take Advice Of Third Person If He Is Doing Some Adverse To Someone Else.

(1) Keep control over your tongue. Never use abusive language to ward off troubles.
(2) Avoid becoming greedy and over selfish.
(3) Deceit and dishonesty towards others will affect you adversely.
(4) Acting upon the advice of another person before trying to harm anybody will ensure very good results and a life of about 100 years.
(5) Public service will enhance income and reputation of the native.

Moon in 6th House

GOOD:-Tit for tat, Native is good for a good and very bad for a bad.  Even a dying person will survive if such subject give water to him.

BAD:-Moon may give malefic effect if native makes a well for charity, if distributes water free of cost before attaining the age of 24years or in 24th year.  Drinking milk in night is like a poison.

REMEDIES:-Native Should Get The Well Digged In Hospitals Or Cremation Ground.  If Health Of Mother Is Not Good For A Long Period Or Face Problems In Business Or Any Type Of Problem In Family Life Then He Should Donate Milk At The Place Of Worship.

(1) Serve milk to your father with your own hands.
(2) Never take milk during night. But intake of milk during day time and use of even curd and cheese during night is permissible.
(3) Do not offer milk as donation. It can be given only at religious places of worship.
(4) Digging of wells for public will destroy the issues, but digging of wells in a hospital or within the premises of cremation ground will not be harmful.

Moon in 7th House

GOOD:-Native has a ability to make a gold out of dust.  He may be a astrologer, poet but not of a sound character.  He may not get the love and blessings from female of his family.

BAD:-Trading business may not suit him, difference with mother will destroy him.  Education up to marriage is possible but not after marriage.  After marriage his mother’s health may deteriorate.

REMEDIES:-He Should Donate Milk Or Silver Or Rice Equal To The Weight Of His Wife On Her Arrival To The Home After Marriage.

(1) Avoid marriage in the 24th year of your life.
(2) Always your mother keep happy.
(3) Never sell milk or water for profit.
(4) Do not burn milk for making Khoya.
(5) Ensure that in marriage your wife brings silver and rice with her from her parents, equal to her weight.

Moon in 8th House

GOOD:-Milk of native will be treated as a powder milk.  Such a person usually die before the death of his mother but if mother dies before his death then he will have 80years of age.

BAD:-If well or pond is near by native’s residence, then moon will give bad effects till he attains 48years of age.  Moon in this house give bad effects not only on character of a native, but also give bad effects in any way to his aunt, grandmother, in-laws and daughter.

REMEDIES:-Native Should Donate Milk In The Name Of His Forefathers.  He Should Take Blessings Of Elders By Touching And Washing Their Feet.

(1) Avoid gambling and flirting.
(2) Perform Shraddha ceremony for to your ancestors.
(3) Do not build any house after covering a well with roof.
(4) Obtain blessings of the old men and children by touching their feet.
(5) Bring water from the well or water tap situated within the boundaries of a cremation ground and place it within your house. It will ward off all the evils generated by the Moon in the 7th house.
(6) Offer gram and pulse in places of worship.

Moon in 9th House

GOOD:-Native will have power and humbleness, will do good deeds, give good advice, will be religious minded, helpful, may be mathematician, blessed with children.

BAD:-Moon this house give bad effects upto 48years of age if native deals in the things related to moon.

REMEDIES:-He Should Not Deal In The Things Related To Moon Like Silver, Milk.

(1) Install the things associated with the Moon within the house, e.g., place a square piece of silver in the almirah.
(2) Serve the labourers with milk.
(3) Offer milk to snakes and rice to fish.

Moon in 10th House

GOOD:-Native may be popular in the field of surgeon or doctor if become doctor or surgeon before 30 years of age and after 24th.  He may be trustee of religious institutions.

BAD:-Affairs with females will be harmful, will earn bad name due to cheating through eyes, diseases of lung and chest, problems with in-laws and may have residence problem.

REMEDIES:-He Should Go To Place Of Worship Regularly, Should Not Drink Milk In Night, Should Keep Hand Pump Or Well Or River Water With Him For 10 Years.

(1) Visits to religious places of worship will enhance the fortune of the native.
(2) Store the natural water of rain or the river in a container and keep it within your house for 15 years. It will wash off the poisons and evil effects generated by the Moon in the 10th house.
(3) Avoid taking milk during night.
(4) Milch animals can neither live long in your house nor will they prove beneficial or auspicious.
(5) Abstain from wine, meat and adultery.

Moon in 11th House

GOOD:-Many children, helpful, influential, cultured, if he distributes milk in charity he may enjoy all comforts and luxuries.

BAD:-Moon in this house is if bad than it behaves like ocean sometimes quite and sometimes very stormy.  Relations with grandmother may not be good.  From the age of 42 years he may suffer from arthritis, or bit impotency.

REMEDIES:-Donate Milk At The Place Of Worship

.(1) Offer milk in Bhairo Mandir and donate milk to others liberally.
(2) Ensure that the grandmother does not see her grandson.
(3) Heat up a piece of gold in fire and put it in a glass of milk before drinking it.
(4) Throw 125 pieces of sweet (Peda) in a river.

Moon in 12th House

GOOD:-Native earns and enjoys benefits from Govt.., money keep coming from in-laws, benefit from brothers and friends, will lives at his own wish (long life).  Even if he is convicted in any case, will be treated innocent.  Remains happy in all circumstances, may be intellectual, high education and will have good relations with his mother and maternal family.

BAD:-Moon will give bad effects not only to him but to his brother and maternal uncle.  Such a person is beautiful/handsome but defamed due to his inclination towards female even if they are married.  He will earn lot but still  remain nil.

REMEDIES:-He Should Remain Quite (Talk Less), Keeping Rainy Water At Home Will Be Helpful.

(1) Wearing Gold in ears, drinking milk after inserting hot piece of gold in it and visiting religious places of worship will ward off the evils of the Moon in 12th house and also that of the Ketu in the 4th house.
(2) Never offer milk and food to religious saints/sadhus.
(3) Do not open a school, college or any other educational institute and do not help children in obtaining free of cost education

Effects of Mars in different Houses

Mars in 1st House

GOOD:-Native may be good, honest, brave, fighter, may not be lone child of his parents, become rich from the age 28years,  he never forgets good deeds of others, will uplift his brother and in-laws.  If has sister she will like queen but brother will have mix fortune.  

BAD:-Mars gives bad results at the age of 28years, Native should keep himself away from negative thinking, he may be lazy, poor, depressed, unlucky for himself, brother and parents.

REMEDIES:-Native Should Not Accept Free Gifts, Should Do The Business Of Things Related To Mars.

(1) Avoid the acceptance of things free of cost or in charity.
(2) Avoid evil deeds and telling lies.
(3) Association with saints and Faqirs will prove very harmful.
(4) Things of ivory will give very adverse effects. Avoid them.

Mars in 2nd House

GOOD:-Native may be the elder or equivalent  to elder brother.  He will enjoy all type of luxuries in his life if he help friends, brothers, or person below to his level

BAD:-Sudden death in war, fight, quarrel

REMEDIES:-Help Others To Get The Effect Of 2x2=4 Otherwise 2xo=2 Only.

(1) The business associated with Moon, e.g., trade in cloth, will provide great prosperity, hence strengthen Moon.
(2) Ensure that your in-laws make arrangements for providing drinking water facilities to the common people.
(3) Keep deer skin in the house.

Mars in 3rd House

GOOD:-Native will be dubious, will have brothers, sisters, will behave like a lion, worldly, have good friends and helpful

BAD:-fraud, tricky cheater, bad for male child, likes to indulge in heated debates

REMEDIES:-Business Of Tusk (Elephant Teeth) Or Wear Any Thing Made Of Elephant Teeth

(1) Be soft hearted and avoid arrogance. Be good to brothers for prosperity.
(2) Keep articles of ivory with you .
(3) Put on silver ring in the left hand.

Mars in 4th House

GOOD:-Native will be clear hearted, honest, simple, will feed his family without expecting any reward.

BAD:-Foul mouthed, stub born, luxurious, slave, fool, errant, dubious and bad to all female relatives.

REMEDIES:-Put Sweet Milk Under Banyan Free, Feed Sparrows.

(1) Offer sweet milk to the roots of a banyan tree and put that wet soil on your navel.
(2) To avoid havoc from fire, place empty bags of sugar on the roof of your house, shop or factory.
(3) Always keep a square piece of silver with you.
(4) Keep away from black, one-eyed or disabled person.

Mars in 5th House

GOOD:-Intellectual, rich, but never sleep soundly.  He should donate milk in the name of his forefather otherwise his parents may suffer from epilepsy or he may be childless.

BAD:-Native may suffer due to fire threat, loss or weak eyesight.  Mars does not give bad effects to females.

REMEDIES:-Keep Water In A Uncovered Pot On The Head Side Under Bed And Pour It On Any Flowery Plant

(1) Maintain a good moral character.
(2) Keep water in a pot below the head side of your bed at night and drop it in a flower pot in the morning.
(3) Offer Shradha to your ancestors and plant a Neem tree in the house.

Mars in 6th House

GOOD:-Extremely powerful, protects his family, self dependent, religious, good character and long life.

BAD:-Mars will give bad effects to daughter, aunt, mother, maternal uncle and to elder brother financially.

REMEDIES:-Donate Oil, Water Or Silver.

(1) Distribute salt in place of sweets on the birth of a male child.
(2) His brothers should keep the native happy by offering him something or the other for their protection and prosperity. But if he does not accept such things, the same should be thrown in water.
(3) The male children of the native should not wear gold.
(4) Adopt remedies of Saturn for family comfort. Worship Ganeshji for parents' health and destruction of enemies.

Mars in 7th House

GOOD:-Native will be worldly, justice lover, may be mathematician, ruler.  Whatever he wishes he will definitely get.  

BAD:-Moon will give bad effects if he lives with widow sister, sister-in-law, niece, aunt, grand-daughter.  Dye making, liquor, meat, parrot, playing tabla (musical instrument) all this gives malefic effects

REMEDIES:-Whenever His Sister Visit His Place He Should Give Her Sweet. Should Keep Silver In His House.

(1) Place solid piece of silver in the house for prosperity.
(2) Always offer sweets to daughter, sister, sister-in-law and widows.
(3) Repeatedly build a small wall and destroy it.

Mars in 8th House

GOOD:-Native will be man of words, hard worker, justice lover and powerful.

BAD:-Native may ruin his younger brother, a curse from widow may ruin him, if his younger brother is alive he will have disease of blood or his arms will be paralyzed

REMEDIES:-Native Should Have Silver Around His Neck.  He Should Give The Sweet Bread Made In The Oven (Tandoor) To Dog For 40-43 Days.

(1) Obtain blessings of widows and wear a silver chain.
(2) Offer sweet loaves of bread prepared on Tandoor to dogs.
(3) Take your meals in the kitchen.
(4) Build a small dark room at the end of your house and do not allow sun light to enter it.
(5) Offer rice, jaggery and gram pulse at religious places of worship.
(6) Fill an earthen pot with 'Deshi Khand' and bury it near a cremation ground.

Mars in 9th House

GOOD:-Native will have as much brother as his grand father had.  Good effects for parents upto the age of 13years and from 28th years gives good to him.  Lot of wealth if elder brother does work/business related to mars.

BAD:-Defamed, never worship god, coward, if he sells gold all he possess will be sold out

REMEDIES:-Native Should  Donate Things Related To Moon And Jupiter.

(1) Obedience to elder brother.
(2) Render services to your Bhabhi i.e., brother's wife.

(3) Do not become an atheist and follow your traditional customs and rituals.
(4) Offer rice, milk and jaggery at religious places of worship.

Mars in 10th House

GOOD:-Good health, long life, good financial position, good family, good brother and friends

BAD:-Native has problems in child birth.  His position is like two king in a kingdom.

REMEDIES:-Native Should Help One Eyed Person Or Childless Person.

(1) Do not sell ancestral property and gold of the house.
(2) Keep a pet deer in your house.
(3) While boiling milk, please ensure that it should not overflow and fall on the fire.
(4) Offer help to one-eyed and childless persons.

Mars in 11th House

GOOD:-Native will be like pet lion i.e.., king without kingdom.  He will earn lot if money from 24 to 28years of his age.  He will respect his teacher (guru) and elders

BAD:-Native will be a doubter despite good earnings.  He will sell out the property of his parents by the 48th years of his age.  

REMEDIES:-Native Should Pet Three Dogs At The Birth Of His Son.

Effects of Mercury  in different Houses

Mercury in 1st House

GOOD:-Jolly, king or like king, selfish, errant, naughty and happy.  Wife will be from rich family.

BAD:-If female she may have bad name in young age even she is ruler or from royal family.  If eats egg, health will deteriorate.  Business of green things will not be beneficial

REMEDIES:-Native Should Avoid Egg, Meat And Green Things.

(1) Keep away from the things of green colour and sisters in law.
(2) Avoid consumption of meet, eggs and liquor.
(3) business that requires your sitting at one place would be more beneficial than the one that requires running around.

Mercury in 2ndHouse

GOOD:-Intelligent, selfish, yogi, rich, long life, confident.

BAD:-Delayed birth of son, not good for father.  He will not get his father’s property.

REMEDIES:-He Should Give Things Related To Moon At Place Of Worship Or Should Get His/Her Nose Pinned With Silver.

(1) Abstain from eggs meat and liquor.
(2) Association with your sisters in law is harmful.
(3) Keeping sheep, goat and parrots as pets is strictly prohibited.

Mercury in 3rd House

GOOD:-Native will be helpful to his relatives, Mercury is bad for others but good for him.

BAD:-Delayed child birth, bad for father’s and maternal uncle’s  wealth.  Moon will also give malefic effects.

REMEDIES:-He Should Donate Things Related To Mercury.  He Should Nurse Birds.  Clean His Teeth With Alamanq.

(1) Clean your teeth with alum everyday.
(2) Feed birds and donate a goat.
(3) Don't live in a south facing house.
(4) Distribute medicines of asthma.

Mercury in 4th House

GOOD:-Respect females, He will have lot of patience and has the quality of taking burdens of other on his head.  Parents may live long, Native will uplift his family in all respect.

BAD:-Native ‘s mother may die within a year after his birth or if mother alive then financial and personal position may suffer a lot.  Bad effects on family life of native and wife will also suffer a lot.

REMEDIES:-Native Should Wear Copper Coin Around His Neck.  Things Related To Moon Give Beneficial Results.

(1) Putting on silver chain for mental peace and golden chain for gaining wealth and property.
(2) Putting kesar tilak regularly for 43 days on forehead.
(3) Serving monkeys by offering jaggery.

Mercury in 5th House

GOOD:-Intellectual, good for wealth and health.  Paternal property will prove good for the native.

BAD:-Mercury gives malefic effects on the tongue.

REMEDIES:-Native Should Wear Copper Made Round Shape Thing Around His Neck.

(1) Wear a copper coin in white thread for obtaining riches.
(2) Serving cows for the happiness of wife and good luck.
(3) A Gomukhi house (narrow at the front and wider at the end) would prove highly auspicious where as Shermukhi house (wider at the front and narrower at the end) would prove highly disastrous.

Mercury in 6th House

GOOD:-Speaks excessive but whatever he speak good or bad it will definitely happen, king of his heart, anonymous, if he keep patience it will be good.  The sea journey will be beneficial.  Business related to education, agricultural land, printing and paper will be beneficial. 

BAD:-Native will be thankless, daughter married in north direction will not be happy.  If entrance of new house is in north direction then it will also give bad effect

REMEDIES:-Native Should Leave Container Of Milk At Deserted Place Or Put The Holy Water Under The Agricultural Land.

(1) Burying a bottle filled with Ganga water into the agricultural land.
(2) Putting on a silver ring in the left hand of ones wife.
(3) Starting any important work in the presence of a girl or daughters, or with flowers in hand proves auspicious.

Mercury in 7th House

GOOD:-Native is very good for others, sister of wife will loyal, will be happy in old age, benefit from trading and verbal transactions like share broker.  He will fall in love with a beautiful lady and will remain happy.

BAD:-Bad for sister, aunt and  for sister-in-law.  Wife’s sister may conspirate with the help of his brother to defame his wife.  If native lend money on interest, he will not get his money back.

REMEDIES:-Do Not Lend Money On Interest, Respect Females.

(1) Avoid any business in partnership.
(2) Avoid speculation.
(3) Do not keep relationship with sister in law of spoilt character.

Mercury in 8th House

GOOD:-In this house Mercury makes a person genius and healthy otherwise there is no other good effects.

BAD:-In this house mercury gives bad effect on teeth and veins and generally harmful in 34th years of age.  Native may be deceived by the girl from royal family.

REMEDIES:-Native Should Donate Things Related To Moon To Relatives And Animals Related To Moon.

(1) Get an earthen pot filled with honey and bury it in the cremation ground or deserted area.
(2) Place milk or rain water in a container on the roof of the house.
(3) Put a ring in the nose of your daughter.

Mercury in  9th House

GOOD:-Long life, religious, big family, He feeds his family, even he himself remains hungry 

BAD:-Bad for girl child and also bad for females.

REMEDIES:-Native Should Wear Clothes Washed From River.

(1) Avoid the use of green colour.
(2) Get yours nose pricked.
(3) Offer mushroom filled in an earthen pot to a religious place.
(4) Do not accept any tabeez from any sadhu or faqir. 

Mercury in 10th House

GOOD:-Flatterer, faithful, happy, social, rich, diplomat, intellectual, naughty, clever but  selfish

BAD:-Bad for females and for father.  Mercury gives bad effects if such a person takes liquor or meat or food crazy.

REMEDIES:-Native Should Avoid Liquor, Meat And His Craze For Food.

(1) Consumption of eggs, meat and liquor are strictly prohibited.
(2) Offer rice and milk in religious places.

Mercury in 11th House

GOOD:-Native is able to take out diamond  instead of pearl from the shell.  He is hardworking and financially not  strong upto 34th years of age.

BAD:-Amulet will give bad effects

REMEDIES:-He Should Put A Round Shape Piece Of Copper On His Neck.

(1) Wear copper coin in neck in a white thread or silver chain.
(2) Do not keep a widowed sister or father's sister in your house.
(3) Avoid green colour and emerald.
(4) Do not accept any Tabeez from a sadhu or faqir.

Mercury in 12th House

GOOD:-Famous, respectful and powerful, Sister, aunt and daughter all will be in trouble in their parents house but will be happy in their in-laws house.  

BAD:-Always double minded.  If start taking liquor he may suffer from leprosy.

REMEDIES:-He Should Put Iron Ring In Middle Fingered.

(1) Throwing new empty pitcher in a river.
(2) Putting on a ring of stainless steel.
(3) Putting kesar tilak on face, head and visiting religious places of worship.
(4) Taking advice of another person before starting any new or important work.

 Effects of Venus in different Houses

Venus in 1st House

GOOD:-Benefits from Govt.., He has the ability to sacrifice his life for whom he loves and if he oppose someone then he will dig his roots.  Relation with many women.

BAD:-Extra marital relations have bad effects on finance, peace of family life.  It is advisable not to live with mother after marriage otherwise mother’s health will be effected.

REMEDIES:-Native Should Restrain Himself In Respect Of Extra Marital Relations.  Take Advice From Others If Starting Or Initiating On New Job

(1) Do not marry at the age of 25 years.
(2) Always act accordig to the advice of others.
(3) Serving a black cow.
(4) Avoid sex during day time.
(5) Take bath with curd.
(6) Intake of cow's urine is very useful.

Venus in 2nd House

GOOD:-Native will earn livelihood, money, wealth, children, respect and enjoy both worldly and spiritual life, his wife will be good by heart and the work of clay will be favorable.

BAD:-Childless or delayed birth of child.

REMEDIES:-Native Should Use Things Related To Mars For Child Problem.

(1) For getting a son, intake of things associated with Mars like honey, Saunf or deshi Khand will be highly effective.
(2) Feed two kgs of potatoes coloured by yellow turmeric to cows.
(3) Offer two kgs. cow's ghee in a temple.
(4) Avoid adultery.

Venus in 3rd House

GOOD:-Extra Marital affairs, but to get good effects of Venus he should respect his wife.  His wife will be gentle, bold and aggressive.  No threat of theft.

BAD:-bad for finance, health and sound sleep.

REMEDIES:-Native Should Respect His Wife And Avoid Extra Marital Affairs.

(1) Respect your wife and never insult her.
(2) Avoid flirting with other women

Venus in 4th House

GOOD:-Native will be rich, childless, may have two wives at a same time.  If he marries his first wife twice then second marriage can be avoided.

BAD:-Females will always be the cause of downfall.  Relations with mother and wife will not be cordial, may be addictive

REMEDIES:-Red Cloth And Honey Will Give Beneficial Effects In All Respect.

(1) Change the name of your wife and remarry her formally.
(2) Throwing rice, silver and milk in the running water or feeding Kheer or milk to mother like women will ward off the quarrels between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.
(3) Keep the roof of the house clean and well-maintained for the health of your wife.
(4) Drop things of Jupiter, like gram, pulses and Kesar, in the river.

Venus in 5th House

GOOD:-Native may be scholar, patriot, rich, will lead happy marriage life.

BAD:-Loose character, elder brother may be responsible for downfall, love marriage is not favorable.

REMEDIES:-Native Should Clean His Genitals With Milk Or Curd (Yogurt)

(1) One should not marry against the wishes of his parents.
(2) Serving cows and mother like women.
(3) Avoid relationship will other women.
(4) Native's wife should wash her private parts with curd or milk.

Venus in 6th House

GOOD:-Flatterer, oppose religion, wife of such a person will be evergreen.  In case of men they enjoy life in every respect but in case of woman opposite to this.

BAD:-Asthma, short temperament, sudden downfall.

REMEDIES:-Native Should Not Marry The Person Who Is The Only Child Of His Parents.  Wife Should Not Walk Bare Foot.  Wife Should Use Gold Hair Clip For Her Hairs.

(1) Ensure that your wife puts gold clips in her hair.
(2) Your spouse must not remain barefooted.
(3) The private parts should be washed with red medicine.

Venus in 7th House

GOOD:-Native will be rich, humble. Happy, long life, good for parents.  If wife/husband is not beautiful, he/she will be good by heart.  All round progress after marriage.

BAD:-Down fall, Loss by theft, T.B., disease related to genitals.

REMEDIES:-Should Afloat Blue Color Flower In Drain For At Least 43 Days.  Should Take Blessings Of Old Relatives Or Parents.

(1) Domestication of white cows prohibited.
(2) Serving red cows.
(3) Donate Jawar equal to the weight of your spouse to a temple.
(4) Throwing blue flowers in a dirty canal for 43 days.

Venus in 8th House

GOOD:-Wife/husband will be rough by nature.  Earn with hard work, Nobody listen even his truth.

BAD:-Venus will be unfavorable if badly effected by other malefic planets from 11 to 27 and 39 to 43 years of age in all respect.

REMEDIES:-Native Should Afloat Piece Of Copper Or Flower In Drain.  Should Visit Place Of Worship Regularly.

(1) The native should not accept daan.
(2) Bowing head in the place of worship and temples.
(3) Copper coin or blue flower to be thrown in gutter or dirty nullah continuously for ten days.
(4) Wash your private parts with curd.

Venus in 9th House

GOOD:- Native will be intelligent, lucky may be millionaire but by hard work.

BAD:-Marriage with ill health man/woman.  Finance business will not be favorable.

REMEDIES:-Wife Or Female Should Wear Red Bangles With Silver Lining Under The Bangles.

(1) In the foundation of the house silver and honey should be buried.
(2) Silver bangles to be worn after putting some red colour on them.
(3) Bury a silver piece under a Neem tree for 43 days.

Venus in 10th House

GOOD:-Evergreen, clever, lot of traveling, He/she always dreams of sex or evil dreams.

BAD:-Child birth problem, extra marital affairs bad for peace of children.

REMEDIES:-For Child Birth Problem Man/Woman Should Clear Their Genitals With Curd (Yogurt).

(1) Washing private parts with curd.
(2) Western wall of the house should be of mud.
(3) Abstinence from wine and non vegetarian food.
(4) At the time of illness, the native should donate a black cow.

Venus in 11th House

GOOD:-Mysterious, beautiful, rich, may be impotent, suffers from various disease, keep changing his behavior.

BAD:-Females will cause financial downfall of the family, if not  than the number of family members will reduce.  Male/female indulge too much in masturbation before or after marriage which may cause the  psychological impotency or suffers from V.D

REMEDIES:-Donate Vegetable Oil, Should Take Medicines Made Of Silver, Should Use Fish Oil.

(1) Remedies of Mercury will be useful.
(2) Oil to be given on Saturday.
(3) The native usually suffers from low sperm count in his semen. Native should drink milk in which hot piece of gold has been dipped.

Venus in 12th House

GOOD:-Native’s wife/husband will be very co-operative and of good nature but not of good toung and native will not be able to devote too much time at home.  All round happiness.

BAD:-Woman/wife will face all type of problems, ill health, when nobody helps then luck of  wife will be helpful.

REMEDIES:- Females Should Dig Blue Flower Or Fruit In Evening At Deserted Place.

(1) Blue flowers to be buried by the wife at the time of sunset, for good health.
(2) The wife will act as a defence wall for the husband, if she gives things in charity to people.
(3) Domesticating and giving cows in charity.
(4) Offer love, respect and honour to your wife.

Effects of Saturn in different Houses

Saturn in1st House

GOOD:-Native will be rich, business of iron, cement, plastic, leather, wood and liquor suits.

BAD:-If such a person have lot of hairs on his body then he may be poor.  If celebrates birth of his children, may get court attachment orders.

REMEDIES:-Should Avoid Non-Veg And Liquor.

(1) Abstinence from alcohol and non-vegetarian meals.
(2) Burying Surma in the ground will be beneficial for promotion in service and business.
(3) Serving monkey will lead to prosperity.
(4) Offering sweet milk to the roots of a banyan tree will give good results as regards education and health.

Saturn in 2nd House

GOOD:-Progressive, healthy, love justice, seems fool but very diplomatic, rich.

BAD:-If Saturn and Mars both are bad then illness up to the age of 39

REMEDIES:-He Should Go To Place Of Worship For 43 Days, Bare Footed And Confess Their His Previous Birth Crime.  Give Milk To Snake.

(1) Going barefoot to temple for forty three days.
(2) Putting a tilak of curd or milk on the forehead.
(3) Offering milk to snake.

Saturn in 3rd House

GOOD:-Long life, rich, things related to Saturn are beneficial, may become eye specialist.

BAD:-Eye sight problem, may be poor

REMEDIES:-He Should Donate Eye Medicines Free Of Cost. Should Avoid Liquor.

(1) Serve three dogs.
(2) Distributing medicines for eyes free.
(3) Keeping a dark room in the house will prove highly beneficial.

Saturn in 4th House

GOOD:-Love his family and may be a doctor or profession may be related to medical profession

BAD:-If he is in construction line or construct his own house then Saturn becomes unfavorable for mother and maternal uncle.  Extra marital relations will give malefic effects

REMEDIES:-Put Milk In A Well, Should Not Drink Milk In Night.

(1) Offering milk to snake and offering milk or rice to crow or buffalo.
(2) Pouring milk in the well.
(3) Pouring rum in running water.

Saturn in 5th House

GOOD:-Such a person will give importance to self respect.  If he construct  his own house, his children will suffer. He may be a writer

BAD:-Native may be thief, cheater, unfortunate, poor, ill health, child birth problem.

REMEDIES:-He Should Keep Things Related To Sun, Mars And Moon In The Dark Corner Of The House.

(1) Distributing salty things while celebrating son's birthday.
(2) Offering almonds in the temple and bringing and keeping half of it in the house.

Saturn in 6th House

GOOD:-If married after 28th years of age his family will be happy and wealthy but before 28th year will give bad effects in all respect.  His elder son’s behavior is not good but will be helpful in his old age.

BAD:-In this house Saturn is not bad except  when Native bring things related to Saturn at his home.

REMEDIES:-He Should Afloat Coconut In The River Or Pet A Black Dog.

(1) Serving a black dog and offering meals to it.
(2) Offering coconut and almonds in the running water.
(3) Serving snakes will prove advantageous for the welfare of children.

Saturn in 7th House

GOOD:-Self centered, clever, deceiver.  May become rich by his hard work in 36th years of age.

BAD:-Aloof, financially weak, rigid.

REMEDIES:-He Should Fill Sugar In The Flute And Dig It In The Lonely Place Like Jungle . He Should Avoid Liquor And Meat.

(1) Bury a flute filled with sugar in a deserted place.
(2) Serving black cow.

Saturn in 8th House

GOOD:-Long life, financially strong, good vision, selfish.

BAD:-There is no malefic effects in this house if saturn is lone otherwise it gives bad effects on hairs, finance and vision, and may be psychologically weak.

REMEDIES:-Such A Person Should Keep Flat Silver Square Piece With Him.

(1) Keeping a square piece of silver.
(2) Putting milk in water and sitting on a stone or wood while taking bath.

Saturn in 9th House

GOOD:- Strong, majestic, successful, sympathetic, happy family life, if in finance business he will suffer otherwise there will not face any type of problem in any other line of business.  Such a person will have at least three houses before his death

BAD:-If such a person have hairs on his forehead or on legs then Saturn gives malefic effects. Such a person will face problems in child birth or may be delayed child birth.  Such a person has the tendency of taking revenge himself or will advise his children to take revenge.

REMEDIES:-Things Related To Jupiter Will Give Good Results.

(1) Offering rice or almonds in running water.
(2) Work associated with Jupiter (gold, kesar) and Moon (silver, cloth) will give good results.

Saturn in 10th House

GOOD:-Saturn in this HOUSE always give good results in every field of life.

BAD:-Liquor and construction of house will turn Saturn bad or ineffective, things or work related to Sun and Mars give bad results

REMEDIES:-Such A Person Should Keep Things Related To Mercury And Jupiter.

(1) Going to temple.
(2) Abstinence from meat, wine and eggs.
(3) Offering food to ten blind people.

Saturn in 11th House

GOOD:-Financially strong, religious, benefit from Govt., happy family life, pleasing personality, will get paternal property.

BAD:-Problem in child birth, own house if constructed before 55 years of age will give bad effects in respect of health, if take liquor then notorious

REMEDIES:-Spirit, Oil, Liquor If Spread On Earth Before Rising Of Sun Will Give Good Results.

(1) Before going for an important work place a vessel filled with water and drop oil or wine on earth for forty three days.
(2) Abstinence from drinking and maintaing good moral character.

Saturn in 12th House

GOOD:-Benefit from enemies, financially strong, many houses, Saturn will help in every field.

BAD:-If voracious eater, fond of women, sex indulgent and take liquor then Saturn will give bad effects in every field of life.

REMEDIES:-Do Not Be Voracious Eater Or Fond Of Women Or Sex Indulgent.

(1)Tying twelve almonds in a black cloth and placing it in a iron pot and keeping it in a dark room will give good results.

 Effects of Rahu in different Houses

Rahu in 1st House

GOOD:-More he spends more he get.  Problems in Govt. service, believe in religion, problems for brother, maternal family.

BAD:-Problems up to 40 years from the things related to Rahu, if in service he may get transfers regularly but will not get promoted.

REMEDIES:-Native Should Not Accept Electronic Items As A Gift At The Time Of Marriage

(1) Offer 400 gm lead in running water .
(2) Wear silver in the neck.
(3) Mix barley in milk in ratio of 1:4 and offer in running
(4) Offer coconut in running water.

Rahu in 2nd House

GOOD:-Native if not a king but he will enjoy the power like king

BAD:-He may face incidents of theft even in day light or may have to go to jail

REMEDIES:-He Should Keep Solid Ball Made Of Silver In His Pocket.

(1) Keep a solid silver ball in the pocket.
(2) Wear things associated with Jupiter, like gold, yellow cloth, saffron etc.
(3) Keep cordial relations with ones mother.
(4) After marriage do not take any electric equipment from in-laws.

Rahu in 3rd House

GOOD:-Native will always be alert and vigilant and fearless by nature

BAD:-Native should keep tusk with him, will cause his downfall.  Loans given to brother or relatives will be bad debts

REMEDIES:-Native Should Keep Silver With Him.

(1) Never keep ivory or things of ivory in the house.

Rahu in 4th House

GOOD:-Native may be rich but will spend according to his own wishes.  He may get money from in-laws or money/wealth will start increasing from the marriage day

BAD:-Rahu does nothing bad in this house unless the person himself turns his rahu bad.

REMEDIES:-Native Should Put Silver Or Should Make Complete House And Gets It Repaired Or Repair It Completely.

1) Wear silver.
(2) Offer 400 gm coriander or almonds, or both in flowing water.

Rahu in 5th House

GOOD:-In this house Rahu helps in all respects

BAD:-Child problems, problems in education, mental tension.

REMEDIES:-Native Should Marry His Wife Twice. He Should Keep Elephant Made Of Silver In This House.

(1) Keep an elephant made of silver.
(2) Abstain from wine, non-vegetarianism and adultery.
(3) Remarry your wife.

Rahu in 6th House

GOOD:-Such a person spends money for pump and show or on useless things but not on things actually needed.

BAD:-If quarrels with elder brother or sister, his downfall is sure.

Rahu in 6th House

GOOD:-Such a person spends money for pump and show or on useless things but not on things actually needed.

BAD:-If quarrels with elder brother or sister, his downfall is sure.

REMEDIES:-He Should Pet Black Dog.  He Should Keep Black Glass In His Pocket.

(1) Keep a black dog.
(2) Keep a lead nail in your pocket.
(3) Never harm ones brothers/sisters.

Rahu in 7th House

GOOD:-Native is benefited by the Govt. and he will never be in a situation to ask any one for help.

BAD:-He should not marry before 21 years of age. Speculation business will ruin him.

REMEDIES:-He Should Not Wear Blue Color Cloths.

(1) Never marry before 21st year of age.
(2) Offer six coconuts in river.

Rahu in 8th House

GOOD:-Steep up and downs after every  4years

BAD:- If he earns through unfair means, he will loose his own money also.

REMEDIES:- If he earns through unfair means, he will loose his own money also.

(1) Keep a square piece of silver.
(2) While sleeping Saunf should be keep under the pillow.
(3) Do not work in electricity or power department.

Rahu in 9th House

GOOD:- He may be a psychologist  and  dishonesty may cause his downfall

BAD:-His son will create problems.

REMEDIES:-He Should Not Pet Dog But He Should Feed Dog When Ever Problem Arises.

(1) Use Tilak of saffron daily.
(2) Wear gold.
(3) Always keep a dog (it saves ones progeny).
(4) Have good relations with your in-laws.

Rahu in 10th House

GOOD:-Brave, rich, long life, good for business and for father.

BAD:-Bad for native and for his mother in respect of health, weak eye sight .

REMEDIES:-He Should Distribute Frequently Sweets Or Cotton Cloths (Red Colored).

(1) Use blue or black cap.
(2) Cover ones head.
(3) Offer 4kg. or 400 gms of 'khand' in a temple, or in flowing water.
(4) Feed blind people.

Rahu in 11th House

GOOD:-Native should live with his father for good health, wealth and for family happiness and after death he should put on gold or yellow thread or sapphire.

BAD:-Diseases of ear, genitals, back bone, legs

REMEDIES:-He Should Donate Regularly At Place Of Worship.

(1) Wear iron. Use silver glass for drinking water.
(2) Never take any electric equipment as a gift.
(3) Do not keep blue sapphire, ivory or toys in the shape of an elephant.

Rahu in 12th House

GOOD:-Native enjoys night comfort, his in-laws will be rich.

BAD:-Wasteful expenditure, he will not get reward for his hard work.

REMEDIES:-He Should Take His Meals In His Kitchen. 

(1) Take your meals in the kitchen itself.
(2) Keep Saunf and khand under the pillow for good night's sleep.

 Effects of Ketu in different Houses

Ketu in 1st House

GOOD:-Business or Service will be satisfactory, success in spiritual field, tense family life.

BAD:-Headache, ill health of wife, tension for child birth or health.

REMEDIES:-He Should Not Give Money To His Son To Buy Toy In The Morning Or Evening.

(1) Feed jaggery (gur) to monkeys.
(2) Apply saffron as Tilak.
(3) If offspring is troubled then donate a black and white blanket to temple.

Ketu in 2nd House

GOOD:-Traveling will be beneficial.  He will earn lot but will not be able to save it for future.

BAD:-Steep up and down in family life, children will not be helpful in old age

REMEDIES:-Native Should Put Saffron Mark On His Forehead.

(1) Apply turmeric or saffron as tilak.
(2) One should not be of loose character.
(3) If one religiously visits temples and bows his head there then Ketu in 2nd house would give good results.

Ketu in 3rd House

GOOD:-Benefit from in-laws and from brothers or friends, children will be helpful, God fearing and helpful to others.

BAD:-Bad effects on finance, age, brothers, in-laws.

REMEDIES:-He Should Afloat Things Related To Jupiter In The River.

(1) Use saffron as tilak.
(2) Wear gold.
(3) Offer jaggery, rice in flowing water.

Ketu in 4th House

GOOD:-Native  will respect God, Teacher and elders and by doing this he will be happy in his whole life.

BAD:-Ill health, many diseases, bad for mother and children.

REMEDIES:-He Should Pet A Dog. Should Wear Silver For Mental Peace.

(1) Keep a dog.
(2) Wear silver for peace of mind.
(3) Offer yellow things in flowing water.

Ketu in 5th House

GOOD:-Financially sound, no dispute even if he has two wives at the same time in his whole life.

BAD:-Bad effects up to the age of 45 years

REMEDIES:-Donate Things Related To Moon And Mars.

(1) Donate milk and sugar.
(2) The remedies of Jupiter would be useful.

Ketu in 6th House

GOOD:-Such a person is happy, long life, good mother, live comfortable in abroad.

BAD:-Native may have many enemies.

REMEDIES:-Native Should Pet A Dog, He Should Wear A Gold Ring In His Left Hand.

(1) Wear golden ring in the finger of left hand.
(2) Drink milk with saffron and wear gold in the ear.
(3) Heat up a rod of gold and then dip it in milk. Then drink it. It would restore mental peace, increase longevity and is good for sons.
(4) Keep a dog.

Ketu in 7th House

GOOD:-Enemy will fear from such a person.  Native will earn a lot up to the age of 24years.

BAD:-Proud, false promises, abusive language will cause trouble or even down fall, tension due to wife or daughter.

REMEDIES:-He Should Not Make False Promises, Abusive Language Etc.

(1) Never make a false promise, be proud, or abusive.
(2) Use saffron as Tilak.
(3) In case of serious trouble use the remedies of Jupiter.

Ketu in 8th House

GOOD:-Whether Ketu is good or bad it is always decided by the 12th house.  Such a person has the ability to sense death in advance.  He will get  son in tha 34th years of age.

BAD:-Ketu bad effects on health and age of wife and children

REMEDIES:-Things related to ketu should be given at religious place.

(1) Keep a dog.
(2) Donate a black and white blanket in any temple.
(3) Worship lord Ganesha.
(4) Wear gold in the ear.
(5) Use saffron as tilak.

Ketu in 9th House

GOOD:- Ketu of this house gives rise but change in profession.  Such a person will be trust worthy and brave, wealth of such a person multiplies rapidly

BAD:-Native may destroy his maternal uncle, Ketu is also not good for male child of Native

REMEDIES:-Native should put gold things on his body.

(1) Keep a dog.
(2) Establish a rectangular piece of gold anywhere in the house.
(3) Wear gold in the ear.
(4) Respect elders, specially father-in-law.

Ketu in 10th House

GOOD:-Native will continuously help his brothers even if they waste the money, native never be insolvent or bankrupt.,  his wife may be very beautiful and helpful.  He may be a famous sports personality.

BAD:-Things related to Ketu will give bad effects till the age of 28 if Saturn is also bad

REMEDIES:-He should dig a silver vessel of any size full of honey at deserted place.

(1) Keep silver pot full of honey in the house.
(2) Keep a dog, specially after forty eight years of age.
(3) Avoid adultery.
(4) Use the remedies of Moon and

Ketu in 11th House

GOOD:-Native will always think of future.  He will have enough wealth, may be a coward but potent.  He may be administrator or ruler.

BAD:-Bad for mother, wife, male child of the native may be still born.

REMEDIES:-Distribute things related to saturn (specially reddish) at religious place after putting them under the head side of the bed of wife.

(1) Keep black dog.
(2) Wear an onyx or emerald.

Ketu in 12th House

GOOD:-Native will keep on rising but change is not possible in respect of business or service.  He will enjoy all luxuries and his son will increase his wealth further

BAD:-If native kills dog, or his is of dubious nature Ketu will give bad results.

REMEDIES:-Native should suck his thumb every day after dipping it in milk.

(1) Worship Lord Ganesha.
(2) Do not have a loose character.
(3) Keep a dog.
(4) Saunf and khand under the pillow for good night's sleep



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